Wednesday, 8 August 2007

My Aunt Julie

I remember her laughing loud at my silly jokes. I remember how she waits for my uncle during our family gatherings, and how they spoon-feed each other. *They are so sweet!* I remember her bringing me maja mais on my birthday and on every occasion I crave for her special maja(...for free! lolz!) I remember her bringing me gifts every time we see each other. The typical aunt who buys her niece something she'd like to wear for herself but wouldn't fit her anymore. I remember her happy. I remember her nice, and sweet.

So when I heard the news of death. I did not cry. (This is the second time I did not cry..I'll expound on that in another blog entry.) Because I do remember her smiling, giggling and laughing… Despite the many aches that her sickness bring her..She brought joy to any one she gets to touch.

Example? Me. Imagine cooking me maja and other sweets which she can't enjoy for herself...

My Aunt Julie died of pneumonia. It's not a deadly disease but because she was diabetic. And her blood pressure was high, her lungs collapse and her anti-bodies were just too weak - - her body gave in. I could not fathom how she tried to gasp for air during her last few seconds..It was too painful for me to even write it down.

I know she's alright. She has been relieved from her earthly body which has caused her so much pain.

And I know we'll be alright too.

Maybe not now, maybe hopefully soon.

1 comment:

mistisangkalabasa said...

makikibasa and I'll add you up in my link as well ha.

TC always!